Monday 19 May 2008

Young Me/Now Me.

Photographs of people when they were young, and now.


Colourful, toxic sea slugs.

Tokyo in 1913: 22 Photographs.

The Romani (Gypsies) from California to Camp Land.

'There is a Romany saying –
“Dance in your own circle - where ever you go learn a new step. Make the best of where you are, not to be like them, but to know."
Mary, American Gypsy ( Romni) California -USA'.

1950s Spanish Sci-Fi Novel Covers.

Bank Logos.

Photographs of Great Lakes Lighthouses.

Wisconsin History Explorer.

'Wisconsin's rich history spreads across the state, a living quilt of time, land, values and beliefs that forms the collective memory of who we are and where we came from. Each generation adds a piece, so the fabric of our time is interwoven with the past, connecting us to those who came before and enriching our lives with greater understanding and appreciation of the depth of our shared history. Historic properties are tangible connections to our past, places where the past is alive in the present. They allow us to touch the lives and stories of historic people and visit the special places that contribute to Wisconsin's unique character.'

Shoes: Photoset.

15 Great Examples of Web Typography.

Querying the Hive Mind.

'... what other repositories of historic/interesting/important periodicals exist online?'

'Know any happy 80-year-olds?'

'I need some good horror film ideas because I feel like I've seen them all.'

'Lately, the concept of "friends"
seems to have become incredibly diluted by the casual use of the term by Facebook, MySpace et al. But in "the real world" what do you consider to be important when you are making and becoming friends?'

'In Buddhist philosophy, how is one supposed to do anything?'

The Zora Neale Hurston Plays at the Library of Congress.

'The Zora Neale Hurston Plays at the Library of Congress present a selection of ten plays written by Hurston (1891-1960), author, anthropologist, and folklorist. Deposited as typescripts in the United States Copyright Office between 1925 and 1944, most of the plays remained unpublished and unproduced until they were rediscovered in the Copyright Deposit Drama Collection in 1997. The plays reflect Hurston's life experience, travels, and research, especially her study of folklore in the African-American South. '

The Willa Cather Archive.

'Born in Back Creek, Virginia on December 7, 1873, Willa Cather moved with her family to Catherton, Nebraska in 1883. The following year the family relocated to nearby Red Cloud, the same town that has been made famous by her writing. The nine-year-old had trouble adjusting to her new life on the prairie: the all-encompassing land surrounded her, making her feel an "erasure of personality." After a year, Cather had developed a fierce passion for the land, something that would remain at the core of her writing. By 1890, immigrants in Nebraska made up forty-three percent of the state population. Cather found herself surrounded by foreign languages and customs. Drawn together in their homesickness, Cather felt a certain kinship to the immigrant women of the Plains. It was to this land and these people that her mind returned when she began writing novels...'

Index on Censorship.

'Index on Censorship is one of the world's leading repositories of original, challenging, controversial and intelligent writing on free expression issues. '

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